I'm doing a simple cosplay of Jonathan from MGS4, complete with mohawk. However, since weapons have been heavily banned in AX, I'm just bringing a watergun. Hopefully they have a rifle-sized one that looks decent, like these:
http://tinyurl.com/3b3hr63 or http://tinyurl.com/3g5894
If I actually gave it more thought and knew I was going way before during the $60 passes, I would have done better cosplays. I was thinking Matsushita 5th Dan from Angel Beats. Recently, I also thought about cosplaying as Garen, but I need hair for that XD
EDIT: Due to my hard drive being a bitch and basically bottlenecking all of my applications, I am getting said hard drive at the cost of AX.
Is that the expo in LA on the 2nd?